Overnight KIDSCAMP

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Join us for our OVERNIGHT KidsCamp this summer! A memorable faith-filled experience exclusively for our 3rd - 5th graders.

This year we're traveling to Appalachian Christian Camp for a 3-night, 4-day experience bound to ignite friendships, create lasting memories and expose a new level of connecting with God in the great outdoors.

Appalachian Christian Camp
512 Cross Circle | Unicoi, TN
WHEN: July 21st - July 24th
COST: $300 per camper
WHO: 3rd - 5th Grade

Use this registration form to claim your child's spot today. Space is very limited so please don't wait!

**Prices increase May 1st**
Please select one option.


Please fill out this form and click submit.

Join us for our OVERNIGHT KidsCamp this summer! A memorable faith-filled experience exclusively for our 3rd - 5th graders.

This year we're traveling to Appalachian Christian Camp for a 3-night, 4-day experience bound to ignite friendships, create lasting memories and expose a new level of connecting with God in the great outdoors.

Appalachian Christian Camp
512 Cross Circle | Unicoi, TN
WHEN: July 21st - July 24th
COST: $300 per camper
WHO: 3rd - 5th Grade

Use this registration form to claim your child's spot today. Space is very limited so please don't wait!

**Prices increase May 1st**