Women's Ministry "Speed Meeting" Event

Friday March 22nd 6:30pm-8:30pm in the Family Life Center at Old Town campus | Looking to meet new friends and make connections with other women in our local church? Join us for this fun one-time event where you will get to know lots of women in a short amount of time in what we are calling "Speed Meeting". It's based on the same concept of speed dating, except this is for friendship! Light refreshments included.


Friday March 22nd 6:30pm-8:30pm in the Family Life Center at Old Town campus
Looking to meet new friends and make connections with other women in our local church? Join us for this fun one-time event where you will get to know lots of women in a short amount of time in what we are calling "Speed Meeting". It's based on the same concept of speed dating, except this is for friendship! Light refreshments included.